Relationship and Vedic Astrology
Marriage and relationship are one of the most common questions for people from all age groups.
How will be my marriage and relationship? When am I getting married? Will there be a breakup or divorce? When is someone special coming?
In this article, I will try to answer the above questions with the help of Vedic astrology.
To begin with, how to evaluate relationships and marriage prospects in a birth chart?
The key planet is Venus. It is the Karaka (significator) for marriage, love, and romance.
The 7th house and 7th lord are the top factors in determining karmic potentials in marital relationships.
We must assess the above factors from Navamsa (D9), a divisional especially assigned for marriage, Moon lagna , Venus lagna, and mahadasha lagna.
Let’s start with the chart of the lady we already have analyzed in the childbirth article.
But this time the focus is on her relationships and marriage. The lady’s first ever relationship came in her Venus-Sun-Saturn.
Venus is the natural significator of a relationship and in her chart, is it placed in the 7th house of relationship. In D9 (Navamsha) Venus is strongly placed as it is exchanging with Mercury. From Venus lagna and also the mahadasha lagna Venus rules the 5th house of romance.
Sun is with Mercury the 7th lord. From Moon, Sun is placed in the 5th house of romance with the 7th lord Mercury. Saturn is also placed in the 7th house and also with Venus the planet of relationship.
Jupiter was transiting 7th from Moon. Saturn was transiting in Capricorn aspecting Mercury the 7th lord from both lagna and the Moon. In Venus-Rahu-Mercury she broke up with her boyfriend and started dating another man.
Rahu aspected by Mars denotes amplified anger. From Venus lagna and also the mahadasha lagna, Rahu is placed in the 6th house of conflicts and disagreements.
Mercury is the 8th house of change and transformation. From Moon, Mercury placed with Sun the 6th lord. However, Mercury is the 7th lord in D1 and the Moon. Also strongly placed in lagna of D9 quickly brought her temporary relationship.
Temporary because she shortly stopped seeing the new guy and went back to her first lover. Why is that? This time the period was Venus-Rahu-Venus.
Venus is the 6th lord. 6th lord, like I mentioned earlier brings disagreements and conflicts. Venus is the planet of pleasure and love placed in the 7th louse and it receives the aspect of Jupiter another benefic, bringing her first boyfriend back into her life.
By the time Venus-Saturn-Saturn came she and her nearly a decade-old lover finally parted their way for the last time.
Saturn is after all a karmic planet, not only it is influencing her 7th house but also her Venus. It is placed in her 6th house in D9. Since Saturn is aspected by Jupiter and is in the company of Venus. It introduced her, to her future husband in the same antardasha.
At that time Saturn was transiting on the 6th house but aspecting her 7th lord Mercury in the 8th house. Jupiter and Rahu were transiting her 7th house in Gemini. Malefic influences gave her a break-up but benefic Jupiter the 1st lord got her in touch with the most important man her in life in Venus-Saturn-Mercury.
Mercury is the 7th lord with the Sun the 9th lord of dharma and destiny which led to marriage. Ultimately, they got married in Venus-Saturn-Jupiter.
With Venus and Saturn, the 7th house was fully activated. And Saturn is also the 9th lord from Venus confirming the legalization of marriage.
Jupiter is the 1st lord from D1 and Moon. 1st house is 7th from 7th, another key house of marriage, and in the dasha of 1st lord, important events take place. But most importantly Jupiter is placed in her 7th house of navamsa D9.
On the day of her Marriage, Jupiter was transiting through her 9th house and Saturn 7th house. Both were influencing the lagna (1st house) and the 9th house. The 9th house represents law and dharma. Hence, they legalized their relationship.
Never married, never had any relationship
This is a chart of a 34 years old lady, who never got married nor had a relationship in her life. In this chart, I will assess the astrological reasons.
Let’s begin with her lagna (D1). The 7th house is occupied by Sun in an enemy sign of Saturn. Sun doesn’t do well in the 7th house.
It somehow burns the essence of the house as the 7th sign libra is the debilitation sign for Sun. You seek a partner who satisfies your ego, not just love. The house is devoid of any benefic aspect.
The 7th lord Saturn placed in the 6th house which is 12th (loss) from its own house. The 6th house is dusthana (evil house) of disbalance, disagreements, and conflicts.
Saturn is the 8th lord of turbulences and upheavals also. The planet of delay and frustration Saturn is giving her a double whammy of both 6th and 8th house. Although, Saturn does well in the 6th house for many other matters but not marriage as the 7th lord.
Even from Moon, the picture doesn’t look good. Her Moon is afflicted with Ketu. Which possibly makes her confused or indecisive. Rahu is 7th from Moon and Saturn from the 5th house aspects the 7th house. This is another double trouble.
If we see her Navamsha (D9), the 7th house is hemmed between two malefics. Saturn the 7th lord of both D1 and D9 is aspected by Mars and Saturn is aspecting back Mars in the 8th house.
Although Venus is exalted in Pisces in the 9th house but is not potent enough to trigger an event of a relationship all by himself. From Moon, Venus falls in the 8th house.
Mahadashas (planetary periods) weren’t supportive either, she went through Moon and Mars mahadasha. Moon has been explained earlier. Mars is strongly placed in its own sign in the 5th house and a Yogakaraka (best planet for the ascendant) but didn’t help her when it comes to marriage, even though it did help her in other aspects of her life.
Furthermore, the current planetary period of Rahu is also not supporting relationships. The 6th lord Moon from Rahu is in the 7th house with Ketu. Doesn’t look that positive.
Overall, her 7th house is a weak spot in the chart. The pattern has been repeated from many angles, which indicates strong karma.
I recommended some remedies. And told her to be patient, and put extra effort to find a partner. She may find someone in her Rahu-Venus period. I have often seen that Rahu-Venus is generally a good period for certain aspects of life and relationship is one of them.
47 years of togetherness
This is a chart of an elderly gentleman, who has been married for nearly 47 years. Let’s have a look at planetary placements and combinations.
The 7th house is under the influence of two benefics. Moon and Venus, bright Moon is strongly placed in the angular house as a trinal lord forms a Rajyoga. Venus is the 8th lord of sudden events or transformation, he got to get married quickly without any proper planning because his future wife was already pregnant. Despite its rulership, Venus is the significator of relationships and is exalted and strongly placed in the ascendant, aspects the 7th house.
The 7th lord Mercury is in the 2nd house with the exalted 6th lord Sun. That makes sense too as the native thinks that his wife is dominant and argumentative. And finally, Saturn the 11th and 12th lord placed in the 8th house in exaltation aspects the 7th lord Mercury shows an older spouse, his wife is nearly 8 years elder than him, and also a foreigner as Saturn is the 12th lord of foreign.
The above confirms in the Moon chart too, exalted Venus placed in the 7th house as the 9th lord brings luck and stability. Jupiter the 7th lord is in the Rahu-Ketu axis showing a foreign and unconventional partner. 9th lord in 7th shows the wife has travelled from a far-off land.
He was running Mars-Moon-Moon when he got married. Mars as the 2nd and 9th lord is not directly related to marriage. But the 9th lord represents the law (legalization) and dharma (rituals), it is also the 2nd lord of the family, it denotes initiation of family life.
Again, from Moon, Mars is placed in the 9th house. Mars is the 7th lord from Mars, mahadasha (major period) lagna.
Moon is placed in the 7th house from the lagna and Venus. In D9 Moon and MD lord Mars are on the 1-7 axis.
After the husband, let’s have a look at the wife’s chart.
The 7th house is occupied by a benefic, Jupiter. Although, Jupiter is not the best planet for Taurus ascendant as its the 8th lord.
The 8th lord brings sudden events as mentioned in the husband’s charts. Despite it brings protection and durability. The 7th lord Mars is strongly placed in the kendra house aspecting its own house.
At the time of marriage, she was running Jupiter-Venus-Mercury.
Jupiter is placed in the 7th house. From Moon, Jupiter is the 7th lord. In D9 it has an exchange with Saturn that makes it strong. A planet placed with strength in the pertaining division can trigger an event related to the Varga (Divisional chart).
Venus is the natural significator of marriage and also the lagnesh (1st lord). In D9 Venus rules the 7th house and is placed in the 1st house of the Navamasha. Planet in 1st in the house of the pertaining divisional chart triggers the relevant event. Venus is also the 7th lord from Mahadasha lagna Jupiter.
Mercury rules the 5th house of love, romance, and pregnancy, placed in the 8th house of urgency. But when we see from Moon it gets clearer as Mercury is placed in the 7th house and strongly placed in D9 in its own sign.
There are always up and down in the marriage but sticking together for this many years is a big deal and that can be seen in the charts.
A young couple with a strenuous relationship.
The charts above belong to the same young couple I analysed in the childbirth blog.
Here is the chart of the 26 years old man, who wants separation from his girlfriend, who is the mother of their two little children. Let’s have a look at his chart from the relationship’s point of view.
The 7th house has a debilitated Moon. Such people have a very transforming relationship with their partner. Saturn is also aspecting the 7th house and Moon. It is holding him back and adding unclarity to his mind. As Moon is 3rd house ruler, he is not able to properly convey his thoughts and keeps secrets or hides his real intentions. Also, it shows indecisiveness when it comes to partners. He hasn’t been speaking to his girlfriend for quite some time and just wants to leave as soon as possible.
If we look at his 7th lord Mars, it is placed in the 8th of upheavals with the 8th lord and the Sun, the planet of ego and heat. Mercury and Jupiter are benefic in nature.
The planet of relationship, Venus is unafflicted and comfortably placed in the 9th house. Furthermore, Venus is in the 7th house of the Navamsha D9 and in exchange with Saturn makes it stronger. And vargottam Rahu is in Libra, the sign of relation.
The Moon is weak, however, the 7th lord and house from Moon are unafflicted.
Some of the factors above show a desire to be in a relationship. But, the affliction in the main D1 chart is pushing him back and creating turbulence in his relationship.
He is Running Ketu-Jupiter-Jupiter.
Ketu is the planet of separative tendencies. Ketu sometimes makes you headless. It is aspected by Saturn, the planet which denotes separation and grief. Also, it receives aspect from Jupiter, a benefic, but the 8th lord for Taurus lagna.
Moreover, Ketu is in the 12th house of aloofness. Jupiter is the 8th lord and it is placed with the 7th lord. From Moon, Ketu is placed in the 6th house (12th from the 7th house) of loss of a relationship.
Now let’s evaluate the girl’s chart.
The 7th house is empty and with no aspects. However, the lord, Moon is placed in the 6th house of disharmony and imbalance with the benefic aspect of Jupiter.
From Moon the 7th lord Jupiter is strongly placed in his own sign. But both the lord and house are aspected by Saturn creating disappointment and frustration.
If we look at different ascendants (D9, Venus, Saturn (MD lagna)) Rahu-Ketu are in the 1-7 axis, showing strong karma for relationships.
One major factor is Venus, the key planet for a relationship that is severely afflicted by debility, in conjunction with Rahu, and aspected by Saturn.
She is currently running Saturn-Saturn-Venus.
Saturn is the planet of responsibility and her 1st lord is afflicted by Ketu adding the responsibility of being a single mother and grief of separation. It makes her clueless and anxious as Ketu is a headless planet.
If we see from Saturn as Mahadasha lagna. The 7th house has debilitated Venus with Rahu, and the 7th and 8th lord exchange. The 7th lord Mercury with debilitated Sun makes the matter worse. Saturn-Ketu falls 7th from the Venus lagna adding extra troubles.
I suggested they should seek relationship counselling, even though the charts and planetary periods are not supportive of relationships. Nevertheless, trying helps.
I am concluding this article with a shloka -
धैरहं पृथिवीत्वम् । रेतोऽहं रेतोभृत्त्वम् । मनोऽहमस्मि वाक्त्वम् । सामाहमस्मि ऋकृत्वम् । सा मां अनुव्रता भव ।
I am the sky and you are the earth. I am the giver of energy and you are the receiver. I am the mind and you are the word. I am (saama) music and you are the song (RRik). You and I follow each other.
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