Child Birth in Vedic Astrology
For some, becoming a parent is a vital part of life. Many are fortunate enough to become parents with no hurdles; for others, it’s a struggle. Some couples have multiple children, some have difficulties even conceiving. Some lucky ones become parents with medical help.
When researching, my aim is to see what factors cause certain events, especially positive ones. In this article, I will try to present several case studies of different circumstances, like what planetary combinations made things smooth or difficult and why that event took place.
Let’s discuss the very basics of Vedic astrology for progeny:
- 5th house
- 9th house (grandchildren, higher octave of 5th house - 5th from 5th, the concept called “Bhavat-Bhavam”)
- Jupiter (significator of children, also called Karaka)
- divisional chart sapatamsha (D7)
- transits of planets during the events (especially Jupiter and Saturn).
We will assess the above-mentioned factors from many angles.
A promising chart for childbirth
The above given north and south Indian charts belong to a native who is a father of two children. Before we dive deep, let's evaluate the potential in the chart.
5th house is the primary house of childbirth. The lord of the 5th house is strong in the 9th house of bhagya (destiny) with two kendra lords along with the significator of children Jupiter. Also, Jupiter is blessing the 5th house with its 9th aspect.
9th lord Venus is in parivartan yog (exchange) with 10th lord Mars adding additional strength to the 9th house
Although tightly conjunct Mercury with Mars, and the debilitated Sun in the 9th house are the negatives, there are more positives.
From the Moon chart, the 5th lord Saturn in the 11th house aspects its own house.
Saptamsha (D7) is the key divisional chart to look for a childbirth. Again, 5th lord Mars sits in its own sign. Karaka Jupiter is swagrahi (own sign). It makes the case even more solid.
In order to pinpoint the timing of events, we have to look at the planetary periods and sub-periods. In this article, I will only use vimshottari mahadasha system. I will add other dasha systems in future blogs.
At the time of birth of his first child, the native was running Rahu- Saturn dasha.
Rahu is in Venus’s (9th lord) sign and is also aspected by the same. From Moon and in saptamsha (D7) chart, Rahu is in the 9th house.
Saturn is his lagnesh (lord of 1st house). Lagnesh has the potential to deliver an important life event like childbirth. Saturn is the 5th house ruler from Moon and the Karaka Jupiter. And the 9th house ruler from the Mahadasha lord Rahu.
Saturn is with 5th lord Mars in D7.
Transits during 1st child were also supportive, Jupiter was transiting through Scorpio (glancing 9th from Moon) and Saturn was passing through Taurus (9th from Moon). Jupiter was over the 9th lord Venus from the natal chart. And Saturn was aspecting Venus (9th lord) in Scorpio. Mahadasha lord Rahu was transiting the 5th house from Moon.
During the birth of the second child, the planetary period was Rahu-Mercury.
I have already touched Rahu. Let's see, why Mercury? It’s easy this time: Mercury is the ruler of the 5th house from D1, D9, and from Mahadasha lord Rahu. From Jupiter, Mercury rules the 9th house and is in the same house as Jupiter.
Just like Saturn, Mercury is also with the 5th lord Mars in D7.
In D9 (Navamsha), 5th lord Mercury is powerful in the Gemini sign with Rahu.
Rahu was transiting over 9th lord Venus in Scorpio, Saturn was in 5th house in Gemini, and Jupiter in Pisces was aspecting 9th lord Venus.
Strength with affliction
The chart above belongs to an astrology enthusiast and a former colleague. He originally wanted to find out when he is going to get married. He was running Jupiter-Jupiter period. I told him Jupiter-Saturn-Venus is my best bet. I gave him a tentative time frame. And then he eagerly asked me “When am I going to become a daddy?”
Since I didn’t have the chart of his fiancée (birth time not available), I gave prediction based on his chart. I told him Jupiter-Mercury-Jupiter could be the time. Although, I saw some complications which were creating doubts in my mind. I will discuss them later in the article.
Luckily, I got to attend his wedding in the time frame I predicted. But for childbirth, my prediction went wrong by a couple of months. He actually became daddy in the period of Jupiter-Mercury-Sun.
Let’s focus on why I went for Jupiter-Mercury-Jupiter. As we know, Jupiter is the natural significator of progeny, but in his case, it is also the 5th lord and it is vargottam. The placement of Jupiter is strong in the ascendant of the D7 as the 5th lord. Even from mahadasha lagna Jupiter is the 5th lord. Jupiter is aspected by two strong benefics forming Gaja-keshari Yoga.
So, mahadasha (major period) had a great potential to give him offspring.
Now let’s find out why I chose Mercury; Mercury is in the 9th house with the 9th lord with only a 7-degree difference. It is the 5th lord from Moon and it is exalted in D7. Planets exalted or on the ascendant of the relevant divisional chart can deliver an import event.
After antardasha (sub-period), let’s see why Sun pratyantar (sub-sub-period) instead of Jupiter? What did I miss?
Sun, the lagnesh (1st lord), is exalted in the 9th house with the 9th lord. Sun is with the 5th lord from Moon, vargottam (same sign as D1) as the 5th lord exalted in the 1st house in navamsha and exalted in the 9th house of the D7 again. The sheer strength and placement of Sun is a powerful confirmation of a child.
During the childbirth both Jupiter and Saturn were influencing the 5th house from Gemini and Libra sign respectively.
After the positives, I would like to draw your attention to the negatives: the 5th house is on the Rahu-Ketu axis, Ketu is present in the 5th house, Saturn aspects it. Saturn also glances at the 9th house and the planets present there with its 7th aspect. The 5th lord Jupiter, which is the key planet for childbirth, is not only retrograde but also hemmed between two malefic.
From Moon, the 5th lord Mercury is in the 12th house aspected by Saturn and in the company of Malefic planets again.
In D7 vargottam Ketu is present in the 5th house. Saturn is aspecting Jupiter, which is also the 5th lord.
All above mentioned factors are creating obstacles. As a result, the native has been trying for the second child with no success for the past nine years.
A difficult transit of a single mother
The chart above belongs to a lady acquaintance, whose partner ran away after finding out about his girlfriend’s pregnancy. Shattered and concerned about how she was going to handle everything all by herself she wrote me. She always wanted to become a mother and decided that she would have the child.
It did not surprise me as her 1st lord is in the 5th house of children and exalted Jupiter is barely two degrees away from her ascendant, expanding the desire to be a mother.
She was running Moon-Moon-Saturn. Rahu afflicted the retrograde 7th lord Saturn. Rahu signifies deception. That's exactly what happened to her. Since this article is about childbirth, I will write about the relationship aspect in a separate one.
Let’s focus on the timing of childbirth. She delivered a healthy baby during Moon-Mars-Jupiter.
The debilitated Moon is in the 5th house. The 9th lord Jupiter aspect on the 5th house and the Moon reduces the maleficence of debility. Mars is the 5th lord in the friendly sign of Jupiter. Jupiter is the natural putrakaraka (progeny significator).
From Moon, Jupiter the 5th lord, aspects the 9th lord Moon in the lagna.
In the D9, Jupiter and Moon are in trine with each other. Moon and Mars are mutually aspecting.
If we look at saptamsha, Jupiter and Mars are conjunct in the lagna. Moon is vargottam and debilitated again. Which is one of the negative factors.
The most unwelcoming factor was the transit of Saturn over her Moon (sadhe sati) in the 5th house. Unfortunately, the Moon is also the 1st lord and increases the impact even more. Jupiter’s transit on the ascendent was a big plus. The aspect on the 5th house led to a smooth delivery and a healthy baby. Despite all the hardships, it fulfilled her desire to become a mother.
It's Never Too Late.
A lady, nearly 50 years old, was working as a telephone operator in my office. One fine day, during the lunch break, she requested me to have a look at her chart. She was keen on becoming a mother. Although she was fit, still her doctor suggested not to go for it, as it can be a risky pregnancy considering her age.
I wasn’t sure how to approach it. As I didn’t want her to go against her doctor. I asked her to do the same. But she was persistent and just wanted to know if her time was favorable for a childbirth. I asked her for some time to thoroughly evaluate her charts.
When I first looked at her chart, I didn’t find any special obstacles to childbirth. However, I noticed her 7th lord Venus which also signifies marriage/relationship is afflicted by Ketu and Saturn’s aspect.
The next day, she confirmed that for some reason she never got a chance to be in a lasting relationship until she was 47. At the age of 48, she got married. I asked her for another day to finally present my verdict.
Again, I started with her natal chart, focusing on her question, the 5th lord and the house were fine, the lord was in Kendra house, aspected by a friend Mars (1st lord). The 5th house was aspected by the two most benefic planets, Jupiter and Venus. The Karaka Jupiter (9th lord) was comfortable in its own house and sign. The only blemish was the presence of Rahu. Even Rahu was positively aspected.
At that time, she just started her Rahu-Saturn-Saturn. Both mahadasha and antardasha were capable of granting a child. I told her Rahu-Saturn-Sun should be the time.
Let’s see how.
Rahu is in the 5th house aspected by Jupiter (natural putrakaraka) and the 9th lord. From Moon, Rahu is in the 9th house. From the mahadasha lagna, Rahu, Rahu is aspected by the 5th lord again and the same is the case of D7.
Saturn is in conjunction with the 9th lord in the 9th house. In the Moon lagna, Saturn is aspected by Mars (the 5th lord). From the Rahu, Saturn is in the 5th house with the 5th lord. In D7 Saturn is the 5th lord. Even in D9 vargottam Rahu and Saturn are in trine.
Sun is the 5th lord in D1.
I could have gone for Rahu-Saturn-Rahu or Rahu-Saturn-Jupiter as both are associated with the 5th or 9th lords and Jupiter. Jupiter, regardless of rulership, is capable of giving a child.
The reason I went for the Sun sub-sub-period was the transit of Jupiter in Aries in her 1st house. From there Jupiter aspects 5th and 9th house and all the planets present there.
By the time Rahu or Jupiter pratyantar (sub-sub-period) comes, Jupiter would have moved to Taurus. Therefore, I stuck to Rahu-Saturn-Sun.
In astrology, where, when, and who matters a lot. I still recommended she gets a second opinion from another doctor. I made her aware of my findings.
Ultimately, nineteen months later I received an email from her about successful and easy delivery. She was blessed with a baby girl who is now a healthy eleven-year-old girl.
Delayed but not Denied
After a miscarriage, this lady was disappointed and impatient. After a wait of a couple of years in the planetary period of Venus-Mercury-Sun she became a mother.
When we look at her natal chart (D1), the 5th lord Mars is in the 9th house in a friendly sign of Leo aspected by Jupiter (1st lord). The aspect of Saturn on Mars delayed it.
Why Venus Mahadasha?
- Venus is aspected by Jupiter.
- Venus is in trine to Jupiter (5th from Jupiter)
- Venus rules saptamsha (D7)
- Venus rules the 5th house from Venus (mahadasha lagna).
Other than Mercury’s conjunction with Sun (9th Lord) in D1, it doesn’t give any other clues for Mercury antardasha. If we check from different relevant ascendents, Mercury either falls 5th or rules the 5th house.
- Placed in the 5th from the Moon in D1
- Rules the 5th house in saptamsha (D7)
- Rules the 5th house from Jupiter (significator)
- Venus - Mercury are exchanging and in trine in navamsha (D9)
Sun is the 9th house ruler and placed 5th from the Moon. I do not find any strong indication in other divisional charts.
For me, the most interesting factor in this chart analysis was the transits.
On the day of the birth, Mars and Moon were in Aries, Saturn was in Cancer and Jupiter was in Libra. Four planets were influencing her 5th house either by aspect or placement.
Her second child came in Sun-Sun-Sun. I have already discussed Sun.
Saturn was transiting in Leo (9th house) and over the 5th lord. Jupiter, Mars, Sun, and Mercury all were transiting in Capricorn aspecting the Cancer sign. Cancer falls 5th from the Moon and also it carries the 9th lord Sun.
Assessing childbirth in a couple’s charts
It is interesting how planets work in sync in couple’s charts to produce a common event.
The charts above are the husband’s charts, when their first child was born, the husband was running Venus- Rahu-Jupiter
Let’s have a look at how planets are confirming the event.
- Venus in the husband’s chart is the 5th lord in D1 and D7.
- From the Moon, Venus is in the 9th house and aspected by Jupiter (9th lord).
- Venus is aspected by the natural significator of children, Jupiter.
- Rahu is in conjunction with the 5th lord Venus and aspected by Jupiter.
- Rahu is in the 5th house in D7.
- From Moon, Rahu is in the 9th house and aspected by Jupiter (9th lord).
- Rahu is aspected by the natural significator of children, Jupiter.
- Jupiter is aspected by the 5th lord Venus in D1.
- Jupiter is in its own sign in D7.
- Jupiter is the 9th lord from Moon.
The above factors were nicely complemented with the transits. Jupiter was transiting over natal Jupiter in Virgo and was aspecting Venus, the 5th lord. Saturn was transiting through Gemini in the ascendant from there it was aspecting Venus by its 10th aspect.
The couple had difficulties conceiving for the second time. The husband was diagnosed with low motility. They decided to go for IVF. The procedure was successful. This time they had twins.
The man was running Venus-Saturn-Rahu. Venus and Rahu, I have already addressed them. Let’s see the role of Saturn.
Saturn is the 9th Lord in both D1 and D7. In D1, Saturn is receiving a neech bhanga (cancellation of debility) with the help of exalted Sun and swagrahi (own house) dispositor Mars. Also forming a rajayoga in the company of lagnesh Mercury.
But why IVF?
The answer is simple: Rahu. Rahu represents unusual ways of doing a thing. Anything that is not conventional, regular, or is bizarre is Rahu.
Venus signifies semen. If we look at his Venus, which is also the 5th lord corrupted in the company of Rahu, retrogression is not helping either. And 7th and 8th houses show the reproductive system. His retrograde Jupiter, the 7th lord is also afflicted by Ketu. 8th lord Saturn despite debility and cancellation has certain weaknesses and closeness to Sun is also negating its strength even more.
Transits were supportive. Jupiter was transiting in Sagittarius aspecting lagna, lagnesh, and the 9th lord Saturn. Saturn was transiting through Leo aspecting the 5th and 9th house.
Let us evaluate the wife’s charts, she was running Venus-Sun-Mercury at the time of the first child.
The mahadasha lord Venus is her exalted 1st lord in the 11th house, aspects the 5th house, Venus is aspected by the 9th lord Saturn and also falls 9th from the Moon.
The antardasha lord Sun is conjunct with the 5th Lord Mercury in D1. In D7 Sun is in the 5th house.
The pratyantar lord Mercury is also the 5th lord in D1. Mercury is swagrahi (own sign) in D7.
The key was Jupiter’s transit in the 5th house in the Virgo sign. Saturn was transiting over Saturn (9th lord) in Gemini. Rahu and Moon were transiting on the 5th lord Mercury. Mars was transiting over her 8th house and Saturn was transiting her 2nd house, aspecting the 8th house. Therefore, it ended up as caesarean delivery.
During the birth of the twins, the lady was running Venus-Mars-Saturn.
I have already written about her Venus mahadasha.
Antardasha lord Mars is in exchange with the 5th lord Mercury. It is also in conjunction with 9th lord Saturn in the natal chart.
Mars is also the 5th lord from Moon, and the 9th lord in D7 is aspecting its own house. From Jupiter, Mars is placed in the 5th house.
Saturn is the pratyantar (sub-sub-period) lord, Saturn is the yogakaraka for Taurus ascendant, and also the 9th lord. Saturn is in the 5th house of D7. From Moon it conjuncts the 5th lord Mars.
Jupiter was transiting in Sagittarius, aspecting the 5th lord Mercury, 9th Lord Saturn, and the 5th lord from Moon.
Saturn was aspecting natal Jupiter while transiting on the sign of Leo.
Mars was transiting 5th from the Moon in its own sign.
Mars and Saturn aspect 8th house in D1, during the delivery Mars and Saturn both were aspecting her 1st house (body) and 8th lord Jupiter of surgery, for that reason the lady had to go for C-section again.
Overall, all is well, if its ends well.
Another Case Study
The charts above are of the lady, who is the mother of two children. Her first son was born in her Jupiter-Moon-Venus.
Assessing her mahadasha of Jupiter, Jupiter is capable of giving a child regardless of the rulership. Jupiter rules the 5th house and is well placed in an angle.
In D7, Jupiter is in the 5th house.
When it comes to Moon, Moon is exalted 9th lord, also exalted in the D7. Exalted planets in divisional charts are capable of supporting an event to take place.
Sub-sub-lord Venus is aspected by the 9th lord in D1 and in D7, Venus rules the 5th house.
At that time, Rahu, Saturn, Mars, and Venus all were transiting over her Moon (9th Lord). From there Saturn aspects 9th House.
Looking at the dasha during the birth of the second child, Jupiter-Rahu-Venus were operating.
Jupiter has already been explained.
But why Rahu? Rahu is aspected by Jupiter the 5th lord, Rahu and Jupiter are in trine to each other, and also the dispositor of Rahu, Mars is also aspected by Jupiter. This pattern repeats in D7, Jupiter the representative of the child, aspects of the Rahu.
I have often seen that the Dasha, Antardasha, Pratyantar Dasha is capable of repeating the same event. Just like this lady’s Jupiter and Venus.
In this case, transits at the time of birth are even more defining. There were four planets Sun, Mercury, Rahu (sub dasha lord), and Venus (sub-sub-dasha lord) transiting on the 5th house. Jupiter was in the 11th house in Virgo aspecting the 5th house. Saturn with its 10th aspect from the sign Gemini was aspecting the 5th house. Mars was aspecting natal Jupiter and the 5th lord from his exaltation sign Capricorn. And Moon was at a very late degree of Aquarius in Purvabhadrapada nakshatra almost entered the 5th house. Interestingly, Purvabhadrapada is ruled by Jupiter (5th lord).
A case study of the parents in an early twenties.
The charts above are of a male in his early twenties. He first became a father when he was 22.
Let’s check the dasha, and what drove him to do so.
His first child was born during Ketu-Ketu-Venus.
Ketu is aspected by Saturn the 9th Lord. Jupiter is aspecting Ketu tightly.
In D7, Ketu is in the 1st house. Planets in the ascendant of any divisional chart can produce results of their relevance. Ketu is again aspected by strong own housed Jupiter.
Venus is langesh, placed in a friendly sign of Capricorn in the 9th house. In D7, Venus is in the 5th house.
Saturn on the day of birth was transiting on the 5th lord and the natal Jupiter in Sagittarius and also aspecting the 5th house.
Although, Jupiter was transiting in the Libra sign at the time of conception Jupiter was transiting in Virgo (5th house). Even from Libra, it aspected the 9th lord Saturn.
The second child was born when he was running Ketu-Moon-Rahu. I have explained Ketu earlier, let’s see the role of Moon and Rahu.
I don’t see any strong clue from the Moon in D1, apart from that, it receives an aspect of Saturn (9th lord). However, Moon is in the 5th house in D7.
The only clue I get from Rahu is, its dispositor, Venus which is placed in the 9th house. And in D7 it is vargottam (same sign as D1). Planets placed with strength in the Varga charts (Divisional) are potent enough to deliver a result based on their pertinence.
The debility of Moon and aspect of a malefic like Saturn is not positive. Ketu is the planet of detachment. The nature of Rahu is absolutely the opposite of Ketu. I see too much confusion. That is visible in his chart and the unmatched dasha pattern. I came to know that he wasn’t happy about becoming a father for the second time again in his early 20s and wanted to be left alone for some time.
Now let’s have a close look at the transits. Jupiter and Ketu were transiting over his 5th lord and the natal Jupiter and all the planets in the 8th house. Ketu there was creating confusion and Jupiter was supporting the event. Saturn was transiting over his 9th house in Capricorn and aspecting 5th from the Moon.
When it comes to his girlfriend, Jupiter-Mars-Ketu were the key players.
Swagrahi (own sign) Jupiter is strong. Jupiter dasha can produce children even if he doesn’t rule the pertaining house.
Mars is aspected by Jupiter. From mahadasha lagna Jupiter, Mars is the 5th lord placed in the 9th house.
Ketu is aspected by the 5th Lord, placed in Jupiter sign. Shadowy planets (Rahu and Ketu) behave like the planets they conjunct with and/or are aspected by or like the dispositor.
From Moon, Ketu is with the 9th lord and aspected by the 5th lord Venus.
In D7, Ketu is in Jupiterian sign again, aspected by Jupiter and aspected by Saturn the 5th lord.
Jupiter was transiting 5th from Moon. Just like her boyfriend, Jupiter was transiting in Virgo over the 5th Lord and aspecting the 5th house at the time of conception.
Saturn was transiting over natal Jupiter in the 12th house and aspecting the 5th lord in the 9th house by its 10th aspect.
The second child was born in her Jupiter-Rahu-Mercury dasha.
Jupiter has been talked about above.
Sub dasha lord Rahu is tightly conjunct with the 5th lord in the 9th house. Moreover, it is part of the exchange between the 5th and the 9th lord.
In D7 Rahu is placed in the 9th house.
From Moon, Rahu is with the 5th lord Venus again.
Transit-wise, Jupiter was transiting over natal Jupiter. Saturn was transiting in the first house (Capricorn) and from there it was aspecting Mercury the 9th Lord. Saturn was also aspecting 5th from the Moon.
In some charts, you will find many repetitive patterns and very well-aligned transits. In some charts it won’t be that easy for that reason we must dig deep and try to collect as many clues as possible from the relevant divisional chart and alternative ascendents.
In this article, my focus was to cover the potential in the charts for childbirth and also to assess the timing of childbirth. In the future, I will write an article on the parent-children relationship and also try to see events in different dasha systems.
For booking a consultation on childbirth, please click here.